(408) 568-0215 cmcbride627@gmail.com


Assessment is an essential part of instruction, as it gives teachers the opportunity to evaluate student learning and use the collected data to mold and adjust future teaching (reteach, mini-lessons, enrichment, etc.).

Various types of formal and informal assessments can be seen in my classroom at any given time. Some examples are listed below:

Informal Assessments:

  • Observation
  • Checklist
  • Anecdotal Record
  • iPad App Data
  • Running Record
  • Work Sample
  • Portfolio
  • Interview
  • Journal
  • Poster/Collage
  • Thumbs Up or Down
  • Exit Ticket

Formal Assessments:

  • MAP/NWEA (Measures of Academic Progress)
  • Standards-Based Benchmark Assessment
  • Formal Oral Assessment

I have created an Assessment Binder that helps me to keep track of all of the formal assessment data, as well as notes that I have collected from the informal assessments, on each student. This information aides me in grouping students during upcoming centers, as well as in determining whether I need to reteach certain topics, provide extension activities, etc.